Emily Hartley-Skudder, Splash Club

Soft cover 94 pages
Publisher: Hocken Collections Te Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago Ōtākou Whakaihu Waka
ISBN: 978-0-473-71272-3
Dimensions: 23 x 21 cm
Splash Club is a richly illustrated publication which archives and extends Emily Hartley-Skudder’s 2023 Frances Hodgkins Fellowship exhibition of the same name. The publication includes a foreword by former Hocken Librarian Catherine Hammond and contributions from Emily Hartley-Skudder, Hera Lindsay Bird, Chelsea Nichols, Robyn Notman, Talia Smith and Hope Wilson.
Thank you to everyone who contributed to this project—notably designer Zoe Hannay, Melinda Johnston, Justin Spiers, Sam Timmings, Tanya Findlater, Richard Munro, Nigel Faulkner, Hocken staff and the writers and artists whose work is reproduced in the publication.
Splash Club, Emily Hartley-Skudder's Frances Hodgkins Fellowship exhibition, was on show at the Hocken Collections from 9 March–18 May, 2024.
Soft cover
Emily Hartley-Skudder, Splash Club
NZD$ 34.99