Ruby Wilkinson
Gestural and emotive, Ruby's paintings have an irrepressible spontaneity. She enjoys the fluidity of painting and how it can engage with the sensation of movements and feelings.
Ruby Wilkinson is a Pōneke-based artist who draws inspiration from the environment around her – in particular the rugged South Coast of Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington.
Gestural and emotive, her paintings have an irrepressible spontaneity. Ruby enjoys the fluidity of painting and how it can engage with the sensation of movements and feelings.
Her colour palette references aspects of the environment that she holds dear – the early morning dawn, the ripple of waves on the ocean, the dense native bush around Titirangi where she grew up — earthy browns, ochre yellows, forest greens and ocean blues appearing again and again on the exposed canvas and linen. Her compositions dance between opposites — one work might be full of dense blocks of colour, while another holds vast areas of naked canvas. Heavy purposeful outlines are juxtaposed with flowing clusters of looping lines, an exercise in cursive, with brush strokes so soft and feather-light, as if on a single thin ribbon that might unravel with a gentle tug. Along with a recent series titled Orchestra Paintings, these works exude an acute sense of immediacy and motion.
Ruby is inspired by the Japanese practice of forest bathing, or shinrin-yoku: a way of taking in nature through the senses, which, unlike exercising, has aimlessness at its heart. It is an attempt at just being in nature and connecting. With their fugitive and dynamic character, Ruby’s paintings make us alert to the mercurialness of their form — which is to say, they make us present and acutely sensate, if only for a moment
Ruby is a graduate from Massey University School of Art, Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Wellington and won the New Zealand Paint and Printmaking Award in 2022. Her first solo exhibition, Sun Room, ran at Jhana Millers from 18 August to 10 September — view the exhibition here. Ruby recently collaborated with local company Yu Mei to produce a series of custom-painted handbags for the launch of their Spring Summer 22 collection. View the video Aidan Rogers made for the project below, and read about Ruby's project on the Yu Mei website here.
Parade, 2025View more details
And to your world, 2023View more details
Applaud, 2023View more details
Beat chat, 2023View more details
Cold reading, 2023View more details
Curtain calliing, 2023View more details
Forerunner, 2023View more details
Off book, 2023View more details
Post mas, 2023View more details
Runtime (Eddy), 2023View more details
Sheet music, 2023View more details
Silver fish, 2023View more details
Soft fleet, 2023View more details
Starter, 2023View more details
Fire the one, 2022View more details
Floor Rug/Seabed, 2022View more details
Forrest Bathing, 2022View more details
House (Bones), 2022View more details
It will not cease, 2022View more details
Mo(u)rning swim, 2022View more details
Mountain fringe, 2022View more details
One hundred and seventeen and a half, 2022View more details
Orange Flower, 2022View more details
Orchestra, 2022View more details
Orchestra 2, 2022View more details
Orchestra 3, 2022View more details
Pink Flower, 2022View more details
Rabbit in Green, 2022View more details
Road Runner, 2022View more details
Sports Star, 2022View more details
Spring listener, 2022View more details
Stars 4x4, 2022View more details
Sun Behind Cloud, 2022View more details
This current inside of me, 2022View more details
Untitled, 2022View more details
Yellow Flower, 2022View more details
Chair (At Rest), 2021View more details
Everything In-between (You and I), 2021View more details
Flower For The Sun (II), 2021View more details
From Pillar to Post (Ribcage), 2021View more details
In Conversation, 2021View more details
Self Portrait (Anchor), 2021View more details
Tiny dancerView more details
Weighted BlanketView more details
Cut Flowers, Jaime Jenkins, Caroline McQuarrie, Ann Shelton, Ruby Wilkinson and Erica van Zon
20 Feb - 15 Mar 2025Jhana Millers is pleased to present Cut Flowers, a group exhibition featuring work by Jaime Jenkins, Caroline McQuarrie, Ann Shelton, Ruby Wilkinson and Erica van ZonRead more -
9 May - 1 Jun 2024Jhana Millers is pleased to present their first print exhibition featuring a group of represented artists.Read more -
Ruby Wilkinson, Forward Song
26 Oct - 18 Nov 2023Jhana Millers is pleased to present Forward Song, a new solo exhibition by Ruby Wilkinson.Read more -
7 - 29 Jul 2023Jhana Millers is pleased to present a group exhibition of work by the gallery's represented artists to celebrate the gallery's 5th anniversaryRead more -
Summer Selection
25 Jan - 11 Feb 2023Jhana Millers reopens for 2023 with a selection of works by gallery artists.Read more -
Ruby Wilkinson, Sun Room
18 Aug - 10 Sep 2022Pōneke-based artist Ruby Wilkinson’s first solo exhibition with Jhana Millers Gallery ‘Sun room’ opens on Thursday the 18th of August.Read more -
Ruby Wilkinson and Christian Dimick, (a)part
29 Sep - 10 Oct 2021(a)part, Ruby Wilkinson and Christian Dimick. Exhibition at Jhana Millers Gallery, Te Whanganui-a-Tara, Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand.Read more
Wellington, Ruby Wilkinson, Forward song
Kirsty Baker, Art New Zealand, March 1, 2024 -
Forward Song - Ruby Wilkinson
Commissioned textFlora Feltham, October 26, 2023 -
In the Bag: Ruby Wilkinson
Club Yu Mei, September 22, 2022 -
Chasing the sun with artist Ruby Wilkinson
Mairātea Mohi, Ensemble Magazine, August 30, 2022 -
Ruby Wilkinson, Sun Room
Tendai Mutambu, The Art Paper, August 27, 2022 -
The art of a relationship
ArtZone, March 16, 2022 -
Ruby Wilkinson
Stasis Journal, May 27, 2020